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This is ME .... is this YOU?
Unpaid Carers play an important role in our society.
They provide vital care and support to family and friends who live with disabilities, health conditions,
frailty or addiction and could not cope without them.
Most people will have caring responsibilities at some point in their lives.
It is important that we identify unpaid Carers on Wirral so we may understand whether they are being
supported effectively within their caring role and to assist Carers in receiving the help they need to
maintain their own health and wellbeing.
Do you provide help to loved ones like our Carers below and would your loved one find it difficult to cope without that help?
If the answer is YES, you too are a Carer and you are not alone!
Use our Carer Checklist and take your ‘first steps of support ’ ..... CLICK HERE
Please scroll to meet Carers like you!

Caring for my Child with learning disabilities and additional needs
This is ME .... is this YOU?

This is ME .... is this YOU?
Providing personal care to my Grandparents

Offering emotional support to my Sibling living with addiction
This is ME .... is this YOU?

This is ME .... is this YOU?
Helping Friends get
'out & about' and keeping
in touch with family
Please scroll to meet Carers like you!

This is ME .... is this YOU?
Giving extra support to meet my parents health needs who is living with Dementia

Doing the shopping and
dealing with financial
matters for a loved one
This is ME .... is this YOU?

This is ME .... is this YOU?
Carrying out daily chores for
a neighbour who lives
alone and has no family

Supporting my partner with physical disabilities to do the things they want to do
This is ME .... is this YOU?
Wirral Carers Alliance “We Care that You Care”
An Unpaid Carer is anyone, including children and adults, who looks after a family member, partner, or friend.
Carers provide assistance because the person they care for needs help due to illness, frailty, disability, a mental health condition or an addiction and cannot manage without their support.
Importantly, the care they provide is unpaid.
It’s worth noting that many Carers don’t immediately recognise themselves as Carers. It often takes an average of two years for them to acknowledge their role as a Carer. Carers may find it challenging to separate their caring responsibilities from their personal relationships with the individuals they care for, whether those relationships are as parents, children, siblings, partners, or friends.

The roles and responsibilities of Carers can vary widely, ranging from practical tasks like helping with daily activities, such as aiding with nutrition and hydration, getting out of bed, personal care, and managing finances to providing emotional support for coping with mental health symptoms and physical disabilities.

If you are supporting a family member or friend who has a physical disability, mental health needs, or other challenges, you could be considered an Unpaid Carer.
Your contribution makes a significant difference to the lives of those you care for and helps reduce the impact on Health and Social Care Services.